2021: The Year of the Reopening!

· Plans for the upcoming year ·

Jan, 15, 2021

January is always a time for plans and decisions. Virus or no virus, this year is no different. 2020 was a difficult year for a wide variety of people, including addict travelers, of course. One key takeaway for me from last year was that travelling in the time of Covid requires lots of flexibility: Flights cancelled, border crossings restricted, hotels and restaurants closed, quarantines on and off, you name it! In my opinion, this need for flexibility will continue well into the first half of 2021. At least! For the latter part of the year, the on-going worldwide vaccination campaign should start having a positive impact.

Travelling in the time of Covid: At Boston Logan (BOS) in May 2020

…And talking about vaccines, my planning for 2021 was made assuming that I am going to get my shots sometime by early-summer.

Having said all that, here are a few lines on how I envision my 2021 to develop, as far as travelling.


Central Asia by Public Transport

Most likely, my “Big Journey” for 2021. This is nothing more than an old idea revisited, as the “Stans” of Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan) were on my plans for the spring of 2020. My idea then was to backpack across them, from west to east, moving along mostly by either train, bus or taxi. The plans kept on evolving as the departure date got closer, and then eventually the whole thing got cancelled. So Central Asia by Public Transport is back in the planning stages for this year, now for the early fall.

Travelling by train is always fun! (At the train station in Surabaya, Indonesia, in Nov 2019, while waiting for the Mutiara Timur #87 train to Banyuwangi Baru

The Eastern Balkans (plus Moldova) by Car

The alternative “Big Journey” for this year, should the Central Asia one mentioned above not happen for whatever reason. The idea here is to drive on the “Animal” (my Nissan 4WD) from Lisbon to the four European countries that I am still “missing:” Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova. Like above, for the early fall.

More from travelling at “See Level:” The Animal at the Dadès Gorges in Morocco in Feb 2007

Road Trip through the US

Just because…! Another old idea from 2020 revisited. Hopefully for February or March, possibly a bit later, already into the spring. If the latter, doing it on the Mule (my BMW GSAdv) becomes an option. The final destination and the route are still to be defined, based on how the virus situation evolves in the US.

Looking at you: The Mule, in Chevy Chase, MD, ready to go in May 2014


Yes, Kenya. And hopefully Uganda, as well. For the early summer. Short and simple: By plane there and back, with one week on the ground. To be with family and see some old friends.


Misc Caribbean Countries

Towards the end of the year, with the specific countries to be visited to be decided later, and on an as-needed basis! Yes, you read it right, on an as-needed basis. This because the main objective here is to meet my goal of visiting at least 10 new countries every year. May even decide to be a bit more ambitious in 2021 on this count, given how 2020 went.

Waiting for the ferry: At the Ferryboat Inn in Blowing Point, Anguilla, in Mar 2018


So that’s the plan for 2021. Something to look forward to. To me personally, probably the most remarkable thing on this plan is a trip that is not on it at all. Let me explain. On April 27, 1521, the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan died in Mactan, near Cebu, in the Philippines. At the time of his death, Magellan was in the middle of what would eventually become the first recorded circumnavigation of the earth. So, on April 27, 2021, it will be precisely 500 years since the day of his death. Being a huge fan of Magellan, I really wanted to celebrate that anniversary on the beach where he died. However, …the virus! In any case, by now I have finally come to terms with the fact that this trip will not happen at all, as April may be a bit too early to travel to the Philippines. Next year!

Magellan was here: In Nov 2019, in Malacca, Malaysia, at the last standing bit of the A Famosa—the fort built by the Portuguese after the town's conquest in 1511


  1. Antonia Dosik

    January 15, 2021

    I hope these trips can happen. I spent three amazing weeks in Serbia in 2003, working with organizations combatting violence against women. One of the most significant experiences in my life. I remain good friends with my translator, who lives just south of Belgrade with her family. Happy to make an introduction if you want. Her English is better than mine!

    • Jorge (GMail) Serpa

      January 15, 2021

      Toni, Thx for your comment, and for your offer to put me in contact with your translator. I may need it! Let’s see how things evolve. Cheers.

  2. Sylvie

    January 15, 2021

    De beaux projets, ambitieux somme toute vu la situation actuelle mais que j’espère de tout cœur tu pourras réaliser 🙏🏼
    Après les pays tu pourras faire les régions et la Chartreuse commençant par un C tu auras j’espère l’opportunité d’y venir sous peu 😊
    Ps : pour les Philippines, ma cousine Michèle y est ambasseur depuis ce mois de janvier. Si tu y vas, rencontre là elle est super 👍

    • Jorge (GMail) Serpa

      January 15, 2021

      Sylvie, ohhh, the Philippines. It breaks my heart, as I really wanted to be on that beach on April 27. But I’m afraid that it is a bit too soon. So next year. Thx for the contact there. And on Chartreuse, it is on the list. It would be great to have some nice cocktails together again! The good thing is that that area is an easy stop on any road trip through Europe. Cheers.

  3. Lucy

    January 16, 2021

    Great pictures!!

    • SerpaJ

      January 16, 2021

      Thx. Cheers.

  4. Pipinha

    January 17, 2021

    Sounds so great! Im so excited for you! It will be so much fun!! Also Caribbean New Years again, sounds good to meee!!

    • Jorge (GMail) Serpa

      January 17, 2021

      Thx, Pipa. Indeed, New Year’s in the Virgins. At the Bitter End YC. Again!!! I hadn’t thought of that. It would be great to get back there… Big bjnh.

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