The Americas, II

· 27,700 miles / 44,600 km on 2 wheels through 2 continents ·

On August 4, 2014, I left my home in Bethesda, MD—a suburb of Washington, DC—for a bit of a journey on my motorcycle, a ’13 BMW R1200 GS Adventure (nicknamed, The Mule). The first part of this journey was reported on my last post in this blog. Let’s look now at the Part II, the…

The Americas, I

· 27,700 miles / 44,600 km on 2 wheels through 2 continents ·

On August 4, 2014, I left my home in Bethesda, MD—a suburb of Washington, DC—for a bit of a journey on my motorcycle, a ’13 BMW R1200 GS Adventure (nicknamed, The Mule). The Mule in Bethesda, MD, a few days before the departure The Plan The original idea was to leave home heading west across…

Glamor, Beaches, Seafood, & Beautiful Roads

· Daytrip through southern Rhode Island ·

Newport. Think about Southern Rhode Island and that is what comes immediately to most people’s mind. And rightly so: With its mansions, yacht-laden harbor, Ocean Drive, and music festivals, Newport is undoubtedly the best-known destination in this neck of the woods. But fortunately, there is much more to see and do along the Atlantic coast…

Honey, I’ll Go Get The Wine, Pt II

· 3713 miles across the US on a Mustang convertible in mid-winter ·

On US Hwy 2 On the following day—i.e., Saturday, Feb 6—early in the morning, I got in Fluffy and the adventure began. The challenges appeared soon: By mid-morning, I was at the onset of the climb to Stephens Pass, WA. The conditions there weren’t very friendly, to say the least: snowing, freezing cold temperatures, windy,…

Honey, I’ll Go Get the Wine, Pt I

· 3713 miles across the US on a Mustang convertible in mid-winter ·

So, there I was one day in late-January, at home, working away on my computer, when in came an email message from Hertz. One of those marketing messages that I receive often from them. Contrary to what I normally do, I read this one. On it, a great offer on one-way, West Coast-to-East Coast rentals….

2021: The Year of the Reopening!

· Plans for the upcoming year ·

January is always a time for plans and decisions. Virus or no virus, this year is no different. 2020 was a difficult year for a wide variety of people, including addict travelers, of course. One key takeaway for me from last year was that travelling in the time of Covid requires lots of flexibility: Flights…

Road Trip Around New England

· From the coast to the Canadian border and back ·

Traveling in the time of Covid is a bit complicated: different rules on national and state border crossings; transportation and hospitality operators either closed or barely in business; guidelines left and right on what can and cannot be done; et cetera… But while complicated, it is not impossible. My general guidelines for discretionary traveling during…


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